Tuesday 22 March 2011

Asadism Finally :)


First thing first, sincere apologies for being MIA, not my fault seriously, I mean I thought about writing a blog and every time something will come up and I'll be lazy, but here we are and I'm thinking how can I justify my absence and where shall I start. Hmmm how about I share my morning with you guys, I left our film 7-welcome to London on render last night and it took 10 hours to finish but there was a crash in between which meant I had to start again. P.s when I said our film, it means it belongs to each and everyone for you cos it was made from love and for your pleasure. We are doing a big screening for industry people in next two weeks as its finally ready to the standard I always dreamt of. 

Anyway, How are tricks, what is new in your lives, I watched the Lincoln Lawyer the other day and I highly recommend this legal thriller, when I was at university, I had a Scottish female friend who always thought I was the brown version of Mr. Matthew McConaughey. Today I can say I just want to be Asad Shan aka me. We all have an identity crisis time from time or even we have idols or we admire certain individuals for their looks, their views, their style or certain attributes, but have you realised how we just need to be happy with ourselves and thank the lord for the existing blessings we have. 

Showbiz is a funny business, having been part of it for the last 5 years. John Abraham who is a lovely bloke told me that people always tell him this n that about acting, looks etc. He said he started his career at 33 and has been acting for touching 7 years now. He said if you have a certain quality or possess a skill, flaunt it. That's the advice Karan Johar gave him and he shared with me. One should always believe in them. 

I have been very lucky to have patient loved ones, whether my parents, family and friends. They believe in me and that’s really important. Your loved ones become your strength.

Gosh I feel like talking in one tangent, I mean I have no set topic nor I’m going to rip people apart or their movies etc but I always felt there is lot of unity required within media. The insecure people are the ones who are always bitching about others but I was given an advise by someone, that let the dogs bark, once they are tired, they will stop. You just walk past them.

We just finished cutting our first music video for 7WTL, and let me tell you it’s looking amazing. We are gunning for a summer release as Cricket has pushed all movies behind and well we will be ready by then. I hate being a perfectionist like seriously, its like a disease, everything has to be proper and to the highest standard which means I set myself and the team the hardest of targets and make them sweat more. I am a strict director when it comes to work and I know what I need but I love my habit of listening to others and doing what is right for the product. 

I have to thank a few people who have been a pillar in my life, Don’t worry I wont name and shame you guys J .Its my dream to make films in UK and to unite with all the right talent here and everywhere else.

I went to my local Labour party meet and was offered the position of secretary for my ward in my first meeting. I think I’ll keep my eyes on the bigger prize. It was really interesting through to receive an email from Labour saying that they have given their blessings to the current Govt to bomb Libya and save their souls.

I have also realised that twitter and facebook has made me ample new friends and loved ones. People that I admire for their honesty, their love and realism. That is such an attractive quality.

I have to confess, I ended up watching Julie & Julia (now it’s hard for a straight hot blooded male to admit this) but I did watch it as I had heard so much about it and it was about cooking. Now in a perfect world, I would love food on table but that means my mum’s anchor butter sponsored cooking (NO Thanks) hence I have actually started making small bits and bobs in my kitchen. Ok fine I have a grill machine and oven but it still counts as cooking. FYI my mum and I’m sure all our mothers are the best cooks in the world. They are just a different breed J

Finally I just want to take this opportunity to say that you all make a difference to my life and thank you for being there, regardless of the work line I am in, I think of myself as a normal being trying to play his part in this beautiful universe

Till next time leaving you with love and blessings

Yours truly,



p.s I wish I would read and revise this but I have enough faith in you guys , wink wink 

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