Sunday 27 November 2011

Decisions decisions

Ola People,

How we doing, you know I was just thinking and debating , well not in that order about this Blog and I know few of my closed friends are always kicking me about keeping it updated cos they think its a marketing tool blah blah, yes I know < I genuinely do believe that one has to share their thoughts and ideas or just general banter. There has been numerous occasions where I felt I need to write and share this, for whatever reason it worked or didn't work I have no idea. I know I am just blabbering right now, but hey what the heck, its my space and me time so take a hike if you don't like it.

Recently a lot of work developments have been happening. Its amazing that I have some real angelic people around me who put up with my tantrums, fits and my bad humour (OK this one is a joke) but kudos to those people who I am lucky to be associated with. 

I have worked on for the last two and a half year. It's my personal pet project and I have gone through every emotion possible in the bloodline while making this feature.

NO my dad is a NOT a film producer, there was NO casting couch involved and NO we didn't have crores and crores to make this, but what we did have was a brilliant idea, perfect set of talented people and a belief. The belief to stop talking and doing it. That's it period. Everyone keeps talking and dissing one another. They don't do it themselves cos they are scared or don't have the guts to venture out but when someone else does, they are first to pick faults or talk ill about them. Oh yeah they are insecure and yes we do that but what the heck , one just needs to carry on working and mind one's own business... Jesus what the heck am I on about ... OK back to the movie

7 welcome to London is complete and ready to be released. I was hoping for a worldwide simultaneously but seems like It might release in a some big territories separately which makes sense for whatever reasons we have. so Guys in a nutshell, all I'm saying is that if you ever wanna do something from you heart and you have a tiny belief that you will succeed at it, just do it, don't worry about people putting you down or any obstacles , cos you know you will answer them in the best way.

Just got off SKYPE in chennai with my website designer, god bless him, he was up working on my stuff and here is a secret (I sang Kolaveri to him LOUDLY as a bribe for staying awake).... and oh yeah have a killer back pain but what the heck, one's gotta do what they gotta do

I just realised that I spoke about loads of random stuff in this blog but I hope you see the goodness in every word and keep loving one another.

Much love to all and Goodnight xx

ps I won't read it for any mistakes so forgive me if any :) x

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