Saturday 13 October 2012

OMG its Karan Johar


Hey peeps, hows it going ... been a while... I suppose I've always said that I shall blog more and between work (new film) (TV Shoot), family, friends, family guy and boardwalk empire, one hardly gets the time ... Now I want to talk about Karan Johar here today. You might think why him and whats with the title of this blog. Well read away for a fun story. Normally I am very passive of things but this one relates to all of you. Hence here we go.

So I get a message on Instagram saying Karan Johar is following me... now I have lived in London, New York and Bombay (sue me , I am calling it that ) and being part of this work line, I have met him few times in parties etc and have a 100's of mutual friends so it wasn't a biggie as in its hard to resist my charm or good looks (OK now people who know me KNOW that I am being cheeky and sarcastic here)

So this Karan Johar sends me a message on Instagram message which I NEVER use saying hey asad so i replied hey back, He goes : I want to talk to you about a project (Now I never get excited ever and hence said) sure Karan , fire away. He said I am making a film called LOVE MERA HIT HIT  ... My mind boggled and big FFFFFFFUUCCCCKKKKK ALLLL came on screen just like those Bridget Jones movies, I mean seriously what a name NOT ....

So He said I would like you to be part of it .... I was like sure send me details , then I said aren't you on BBM as most of industry friends are and I know Karan is too ... so Karan goes, no I am on whats app. I LOL ed in my head and OK. He said give me your number. Now for accurate reasons, his instagram account had 1500 followers and he follows 47 people or so , all from Industry so it looked genuine but my Sherlock Holmes kicked in Desi style so I thought Beta Asad lets have some laugh .... so I gave him my spare sim card number and he what apps me from a DUBAI number saying hey asad, how you doing .... Now everyone take a moment. My film "7 welcome to London" was released in March 2012, 3 months before I could not eat or breathe cos of workload , promotion etc ... so many logistics, end meets etc ... so obviously two weeks before his film releases, India's biggest filmmaker is wooing me on Instagram .... yeah I know what you thinking like WTF ... 


Karan goes: oh bro (now you know karan won't say that ) ... i have lost all my contact numbers on my phone and heading back to Bombay tonight but need to get my numbers back so which MUTUAL friends numbers do you have ... by this time I was rolling on floor and thanking my stars for this awesome entertainment by this FAKE KJ...

So I acted like a seedha saadha and said I don't know who we know in common , he said anyone ... So i mentioned a big producer friends name, and Karan replied saying yes send it ... so i sent a fake number , then he said which other actors and actresses do you have numbers for : ) ... I am literally friends with everyone from Bollywood and have contacts but acted naive and said I am from London and don't have them ;)  Karan said, but you are an Actor and you must have Bollywood contacts ... for which I replied I am having dinner now , chat soon ...

MORAL OF THE STORY for the 1500 followers who follow Kjohar25 FAKE DUBAI GUY 

I get so much love from people when I meet them, in public, in events and generally. I consider myself a good human being and hence try my best to stay sane but you guys (the janta and public) need to be careful about fraudster etc and for it was worth , this was super funny and only If i had on my camera, would have been a super episode of punked.... video blog was in order ...

hope you enjoyed reading , love you all and I'm gonna go and work on those babies (its my arms day in the gym ...wink)

Asad xxx

ps Karan himself will be reading this today ... yes the real one ;) 

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Respect your Audience - Bollywood VS Hollywood


Hello people, how we doing, ...Yes yes I know, its been like 6 months since I wrote my last Blog. I swear I always have these wonderful intentions of getting down to it but sometimes it doesn't materialise, I used to say S*** happens and then you lose track and need motivation. Anyways below is an account of random thoughts not in any particular order cos hey after all mind works in a funny way, so forgive me if I rumble but home truths can be rumbling :) sooooooo

I was in HMV in oxford street after filming one day and came across a DVD of a film which I thought for some bizarre reason was NOT released in UK cinemas. The film is called The son of no one and stars Channing Tatum, Al Pacino and Juliette Binoche. A list stars in a Hollywood film with a good director at helm and went straight to DVD, why on earth will that happen, well answer lies in respect. Before I go any further, here is a quick trailer of the film:

So Basically Hollywood executives are super smart when it comes to marketing, hence all the small films with unknowns does wonders at the Box office as they believe content is KING and also audience likes something different. Hence they spend millions marketing a film after " TEST SCREENINGS", that's a word BOLLYWOOD does not believe in cos if they ever did, I don't think any film will open well unless it was a GOOD film (no pun intended)

So back to the previous point,  a film staring Al Pacino and Channing Tatum has blockbuster written all over it but the audience response to test screenings was awful which meant studios cut their losses and syndication was done via satellite , VOD and DVDs. I swear Bollywood will never do that to a film starring for example Amitabh Bachchan and Imran Khan (Equivalent of above) cos it doesn't matter to them if film is well made or not, its all about business and selling, quite frankly I don't blame them, WE as an audience are to be blamed cos no matter what comes of the industry, we are so starved that we will go week after week to watch a film. Weeks after weeks, months after months have cemented the fact that we don't care about the stories etc, we want big star films and that's the way it is. Nothing wrong with that. I mean occasionally we have a vicky donor, paan singh tomar and even a kahani but there are a 100 films which are thrown at us every year and we go out in full force without knowing the content because we are a star driven industry.  

Question is will a Bollywood studio or producer accept the fact that he has made a bad film and not release with blazing guns, NO he won't cos he believes in you guys to make it a success regardless of how bad it is, That's the only thing he is super sure about, food for thought, Now you have to realise when a film like paranormal activity or the artist do well, as TEST SCREENING showed them that they had a HIT on their hand and an Al Pacino film went straight to DVD cos they cut their losses and didn't wanna get a bad name in the market. BOOM

I've heard people speak like this, hey I am off to the cinema to watch XYZ, oh yeah I know Ive heard its terrible but nothing else to watch and so I am gonna watch it , HELLO you are not helping the cause and only encouraging the bad film WTF

Hollywood actors on other hand love a challenge which means someone like Leonardo DiCaprio playing a gay character, a mean antagonist all in the same year cos he wants to be driven by something new, something exciting. He doesn't care to play it safe cos he believes he will miss out in life if he doesn't challenge himself as an actor but purely he believes the audience will respect him all sorts.

These are some random thoughts a DVD in HMV brought out in me and made me analyse the market. Will a Bollywood ever release a film like Teri Meri Kahani on DVD because reports are NOT great (Ps I am not saying that they are , just in case someone gets a sad face). Also check the trailer of the original film Three Times ;) Apparently that's the original version of Teri Meri Kahani

Anyway apart from all that, I am taking 7 Welcome to London to Cannes film festival. It will be a blast and I am really looking forward to the Sun and catching up with Industry friends, Also I am super duper excited about my new show on ZING "ROCK THE VIBE" 

It will be kick ass and has loads of daily topics such as one of the daily topics is live in relationships or arrange marriage vs love marriage, is it acceptable for Asians in UK (who are running 20 years behind a metro city like Mumbai ), and guess what it will also give an opportunity to the fantastic UK Urban Asian musicians to showcase their talent via music videos etc. I can't wait 

Alright peeps, time to head to my gym and pump those babies

ciao bros and Bella's

Asad xxx

P.S ROCK THE VIBE starts on SKY789 ZING from 21st May 2012 .... Every day Mon-Fri at 4.30pm 

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