Sunday 17 July 2011

Life in general

Hello people, 

I have been deciding to write a blog for a while and yes I did manage to have my free moments but never really got down to it, then perhaps I thought today I shall write and came up with this amazing topic and bummer its all forgotten now ... just finished some work email and I thought let me write a blog and guess what the first thing I need to type was the TITLE, like seriously if blogging wasnt harder, I have to think of a cool title to attract, I mean I am writing this blog cos my dear friend Divya pushed me as always and she said it will be great for your work and you need to connect. Slowly there will be no avenues left I swear, facebook, twitter, blogs, linkedin, what apps, bbm, skype, facetime. I mean what happened to the normal way of connecting and I don't mean text messaging either lol

Anyways I watched a stunning film today called "the tree of life" visually stunning and great performances but not everyones cuppa tea as its super slow but once you let yourself in, its amazing. (Do not watch it on my account), anyway it was a story about a family in suburban usa. anyway screw it , just google and figure it out for yourself

I have been working very hard lately on my own feature 7 welcome to LONDON, taken a break from Iconic Academy as I didnt get time, but been busy with my shows on ZING, Brits Bollywood.

Anyway I am quite anal (pardon my french) when it comes to perfection, so been cutting promotional material for our film and its just funny that everything has to be perfect and I have to push every cell in my brain and body to be happy and have that satisfying feeling, sometimes why cant i just say , fuck it , this is it ... 

took five minutes out and watched the trailer of DON2 , looks smashing but then ended up seeing the trailer of Mission Impossible 4 and oh my days , Hollywood smashed it like no man's business, I could not even compare the two, even though I will end up watching both.

Recently I attended the London Indian Film Festival and what a fabolous eventful 10 days they were, met three cool directors which included Abhinay Deo (Game and Delhi Belly) , Rituparno Ghosh (Raincoat etc) and Anurag Kashyup ( Dev D , Black Friday). 

I enjoyed talking to all of them on my show, Do check it out on my shows but one thing I leanrt from them was no matter what obstacles you come across, never give up.

I had a million problems, obstacles like everyone during the last two years while I made my film but I had a belief and I knew that one needs to be super strong and solid when it comes to that. I am really looking forward to the release of 7WTL. Guys do join the facebook page and twitter page for it and spread the word. Official Teaser trailers and few music videos are all done, we are just locking dates in all territories hence figuring out all but by means you will be thrilled soon Inshallah.

best wishes and much love to all

as always I have no frrriicckking clue for what I spoke about and as always I wont check ha ha 




Anonymous said...

ha ha Asad you are so sweet and funny as always, best wishes for your film and generally in life. Sabrina xx

Dazediva on 18 July 2011 at 06:35 said...

That's the best way to write Asad :) and I don't think I push you enough since you barely get time to scribble your thoughts down :P 4 posts this year - nutter :P

Shahri on 18 July 2011 at 09:59 said...

LOL thats such a cute blog. Really looking forward to the movie and its release. And as
one of your posts already says: You should blog regularly.Best wishes x

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you like this

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